Title card for "Buster's Guide to Goofing Off"
Buster's photo of him and Babs sharing ice cream
Hamton's Egg Plant project
Buster demonstrates his hastily-rushed volcano project to Elmer Fudd
Buster's blue ribbon reads, 1st Exhibit To Be Done Over
Babs, Fifi and the other student are angry at Buster for destroying their projects
How about an ant cartoon?
The Ant falls into the cage
Title card for "Elmyra at the Mall"
Charlie Dog as the director of the Acme Mall's pet store
Elmyra disguises an armadillo as herself so her parents will take it home instead of her
Elmyra dresses Arnold as a frog...
With Arnold out of the way, two bandits sneak into the mall
Elmyra gets the circling birdies...
...but being the animal lover that she is, she gives one of them one of their own
Elmyra takes Arnold home with her in a stroller