"Can you crash beakfirst into a tree and feel no pain?"
"Suffer degrading acts of humilation and retain your sense of humor?"
"Ingest dangerous objects and still keep smiling?"
"Then come to Warner Bros. Studios today and audtion for the new Warner Bros. cartoon, Acme Oop!"
"Come on, Buster, you promised to go to the Two-Tone cinema with me."
"I don't know, Babs-a-roo. Maybe we should skip the movie and audition for Acme Oop!!"
Buster worries what will happen to them when their show gets cancelled someday
"Buster and Babs to block, please."
The entrance to Two-Tone Town
Buster and Babs applaud the Two-Tones' performance
Foxy puts a broom in his pants
"It's The Man From Acme! Big Bee's gonna sell his buzz!"
"Look, Goop. I don't have all day. You want to sell the piano or not?"
Babs vows she will help save the Two-tones
Buster awards Babs with an Emmy for her speech
Buster, dressed as Robin Hood, decides to assist Babs in her plan
"Getting acquainted, getting to find out what you're like..."
Goopy bares all during his first attempt at a spin change, much to Babs' horror
The Looney Tunes Orchestra
"Yosemite Sam's House of Sound Effects. Perfect!"
Yosemite Sam falls head-over-heels for the disguised Buster
"One 'PLOP!' on the house, sugar dumplin'!"
'Now, get up on that ladder and fetch! It's way up there!"
"Acme Oop! breakfast cereal, canned Acme Oop! pasta byproduct with imitation cheese."
"I've made our decision."
Plucky's "Hudson Duck" audition tape
Buster returns with the stolen music and sound effects, and swings into The Man From Acme...
...causing him to fly into the sun (A Unusual Death)
Foxy and Roxy observing Buster's special effects
"Move it, move it!"
"Or we'll have you arrested for sidewalk obstruction!"
"Uh-oh! There goes our 'G' rating."
"I did it!"
"Way to go, Goopy Geer!"
"The things you gotta do to get work in this town."
Plucky struggles to get his foot out of the logo
Two Tone Town Opening Theme
"Our Comedy's faster, rich and alabaster!"
"I'm really Hudson Ducky!"
"And don't forget Goopy on those old piano keys!"
"We're Two-Tones, we're looney, we're wacky, silly, goony!"
"Hey, it's those stars of Tiny Toon Adventures!"
"Remember, cartoon characters never die..."
Gag credit: Quote of the Day: "Do you like our butts and ears better up or down?"
"Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs."