"Spanning Acme Acres to bring you the thrills of the grid iron..."
"...the chills of the hockey rink..."
"...The drama of the long-distance runner hitting the fabled wall..."
"Greetings, sports fans! I'm your announcer, Babs Bunny!"
Babs as Bunny Wawa interviews Monty
Buster angrily rushes to the script to see when his scene is going to happen
"That's game, set, match!"
Buster as the swedish tennis player, Bjorn Bunny
Buster challenges Monty to win the giant trophy
Buster imitates Mr. Rogers to demonstrate the word Cheater to the viewers
Elmyra and Sneezer in their baseball uniforms
Dizzy invites Furrball to join him in the stadium
Dizzy and Furrball get kicked out for not having tickets
Arnold gives some children balloons
Buster as a baseball player
"Oh, v-v-vendor, I'll have an ice cc, an ice cc, some peanuts."
Dizzy reveals that Perfecto Prep has been cheating using the magnet-in-the bat scam
Sylvester throws a feast in honor of Arnold, Dizzy, and Furrball
"Golf. A simple game, really. You have one ball, 10 clubs, 18 holes, and you keep yelling FORE!"
Roderick puts up a Free Golf Today sign to attract customers...
"Excuse me, Mr. No-Money Bunny,"
"And his No-Money Bunny Honey!"
...which Buster reminds him of when they tell him, "Acme Loo Losers need not apply".
Unknown to Babs, Rhubella hands her a rigged golf club
Buster and Babs as Biff and Buffy Vanderbunny
"Eh, here's looking at you, kid!"
Roderick and Rhubella swat at a swarm of bees
Buster and Babs win the game, the golf course is open to the public...
...and Roderick and Rhubella are tied to the gristmill's water wheel
Gag credit: Moral of story - Not every show is perfect
"Say good night, Babs." "Good night, Babs."