The Possum Family is a family of six seemingly evil, carnivorous possums and one peace-loving Banjo Possum in Tiny Toon Adventures.
The Possum Family made their debut in the Season 2 episode "Acme Cable TV" as a family of six carnivorous hillbilly possums and one peace-loving Banjo Possum.
Presumably, the Possum Family lives somewhere in the woods and consists of seven possums: a tall male carnivorous possum with a hunting hat, a fat male carnivorous possum with a hillbilly hat, a short male carnivorous possum, a big female carnivorous possum with a red hat, a young female carnivorous possum with pigtails, a baby carnivorous possum and peace-loving Banjo Possum.
The Possum Family would later appear in Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation.