"Elmyra's Scary, Really Scary Monster Movie"
Elmyra, Mistress who's a dork
Babs, Shirley, and Fifi get into a pillow fight
One-Eyed Jack (really a disguised Buster, Plucky, and Hamton) arrives to scare Babs, Shirley, and Fifi
Babs, Shirley and Fifi get scared by One-Eyed Jack (really Buster, Plucky, and Hamton in disguise)
"Sacre Pew! I have been slimed!"
Buster tells Plucky and Hamton the legend of One-eyed Jack
"An outcast was born into the world, a pity of a misshapen creature, much larger than his jackrabbit brethren."
"Ostracized by the other woodland creatures."
One-Eyed Jack comes to life
Fifi nervously tries to warn Babs
"I do, but, like, he's standing right behind us!"
The real One-Eyed Jack is standing right behind Babs, Shirley, and Fifi
Babs, Shirley, and Fifi barricade the door, unaware that One-Eyed Jack is in the cabin
Fifi decides to take on One-eyed Jack herself...
...unfortunately, this plan backfires.
Babs and Shirley hide out in the Taxidermist's mansion
Babs finds out that Buster is also hiding out in the Taxidermist's mansion
One-Eyed Jack scares Babs, Plucky, and Hamton
Buster decides he, Babs, Hamton, and Shirley should stick together from now on
"You know, I'm thirsty. I totally need a glass of water!"
One-Eyed Jack sneaks aboard Buster's canoe
One-Eyed Jack is really a disguised Elmyra
"It's cuddle time! Hee hee hee hee! Don't you just love a movie with a surprise ending?"
Gag credit: Elmyra's wardrobe by: - Miss Take