A cel of Buster and Babs from this episode
Title Card for "Rent a Friend"
"(screams) I am not an animal! I am a human being!"
Monty 11, Rent a Friends 0!
Buster is Monty's newest Rent a Friend
Monty shows Buster his Baseball Player collection
Buster decides to get even with Monty
Monty calls Acme Rent a Friend, telling them to fire Buster and send someone else
Monty's surprise for Buster: The Acme Bunny Basher Robot
Buster pulls a Durasmell battery out of the Robot's Achilles Heel
Buster saves Monty when he is dropped out of his mansion
Title Card for "Bunny Daze"
Babs reads her mother's note
Babs imagines she is Baberella of Space
Pirate captain Montana Max forces Babs to swim with the sharks...
...too bad he didn't know she's an expert at it.
It's the dreaded... Babszilla!
Babs' Mother returns home with a new pair of high heels she bought
Title Card for "Fur-Gone Conclusion"
Babs is frozen in a block of ice, but the Baby Seal finds her...
...and defrosts her with an Acme Hare Dryer
Gotcha Grabmore captures the Baby Seal
Buster and Babs, as the Vanderbunnies, have tea with Gotcha
"Oh, it's the latest fashion to wear them alive."
"I am not cheap! I am 100% genuine drip-dry all-American Jackrabbit!"
Gotcha Grabmore's turbo snowmobile
Buster as a Mountie tickets Gotcha
Gotcha is in Arctic Court...
...where she is found guilty by the seal jury.
Buster, Babs, and the Baby Seal return to Acme Acres to see the rainbow
Gag credit: Guy who wears suspenders - Jim Reardon