Title Card for The Just-Us League of Supertoons
Babs Bunny as Wonder Babs
Calamity Coyote as Keen Arrow
Little Beeper as Little Dasher
Shirley the Loon as Hawk Loon
Fifi La Fume as Scentenna
Montana Max as Wex Wuthor tries to steal the Just-Us League's powers
The Just-Us League congratulate BatDuck for saving them
Buster and Babs head to the park for their picnic...
...which Dizzy decides to ruin
Hamton finds Dizzy intruding on his barbecue
Buster and Babs trap Dizzy in an inkwell
They celebrate their victory with a ring around the rosy
Dizzy is all covered in ink
Calalmity Coyote and Little Beeper as Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel
Concord, Fowlmouth, and Furrball as the Three Stooges
Title Card for A Night in Kokomo
Buster and Gogo can't feed just one sausage to 100 hungry people...
...so Gogo solves that problem by eating the sausage
Plucky escapes and sends Hamton in his place
The Free Dinner Tonight sign
Gag credit: Black and white - Is cheaper to paint