The episode begins with a family of bugs...
...whom Buster saves from an incoming truck
"Buster, Bad news! You are the little guy!
Elmyra decides to feed Sneezer pureed beets
Elmyra catches the food that falls from her fridge as Sneezer climbs up it to get a cheese wedge
Sneezer is about to eat the cheese wedge...
..but he sneezes and blows Elmyra's kitchen out of her house
Elmyra gives Sneezer a rubber ducky to play with in the bathtub
Sneezer rides the rubber ducky...
...but is completely oblivious the bottle of Acme Bubble Bath he inadvertently knocked over
Elmyra finds Sneezer floating in a bubble
Sneezer destroys Elmyra's house
Grovely installs Monty's pool water machine
Plucky finds out Monty stole his water
Plucky is disappointed that Monty stole their water and plans on bringing it back
Plucky as The Toxic Revenger, friend to all living creatures...
...even a raspberry-blowing wasp
"Grovely, get rid of that trash! I only swim in a clean pool."
"Hey! What do you think you're doing in my pool?" "The backstroke."
Monty is shocked when Plucky and his swamp neighbors have returned to his pool
Monty tries to drop an anvil on Plucky, but Plucky tickles him with a party favor...
launching him into the air
"I'll show those swamp rats!"
"How fortuitous that our dear neighbor, Monty, lives but a stone stroll away!
"Thanks to The Toxic Revenger, the World is once again a little bit safer, and a whole lot prettier!"
Byron shushes the Baby Birds
Byron catches Furrball in the act of trying to eat the Baby Birds
Byron tries to feed the Baby Birds his bone...
...but then he remembers that baby birds eat worms...
...but, not wanting to get any, he resorts to cooking spaghetti
Byron tries to calm the Baby Birds down with Buster and Babs puppets...
...but then he finds out that babies need to be burped after they're fed
Furrball saves Byron the trouble of beating him up when he's caught again
The Baby Birds, who have just learned to fly, have rescued Byron from a rather nasty fall
Gag credit: Basset Hound Model - Lucy Ruegger
A storyboard for "Bird-Dog Afternoon"
Another storyboard for "Bird-Dog Afternoon"
A third storyboard for "Bird-Dog Afternoon"