Furrball in fear of Max and his gang
Monty and his gang steal the slushie machine
"They stole my slushie machine!"
Buster catches Monty in the act of stealing a slushie machine
Buster is accused of stealing the slushie machine...
And is sent directly to court, without passing Go or collecting $200
"Grandfather, Grandfather! Don't let them send me to the orphanage!"
"Don't worry none, missy! We're a-headin' for Wyoming!"
"Wyoming? Well, I say, why not Oming?"
"Just between you and me, folks, I'm being railroaded."
Plucky arrives as Buster's lawyer
but instead of bringing evidence, he brought pictures of female ducks
The jury, consisting entirely of Yosemite Sam clones, find Buster and Plucky guilty
Monty reads that Buster and Plucky have been jailed
Plucky panics while Buster plays his harmonica
"I want this garden weeded and watered before lunch, and don't give me no trouble, or I'll put youse in the hole!"
"Say, would you like to hear my harmonica?"
Buster's harmonica is lodged in his throat
To pass the time in the dark room, Buster and Plucky play Pong with their eyes
When Buster lights a match, all that remains of him and Plucky are their eyes
Buster and Plucky try to dig their way out, first ending up in the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride at Disneyland...
...Then winding up at the Temple of Doom...
...complete with a cameo by Indiana Jones...
...And then winding up in the Bat Cave
Rocky and Mugsy work out a 'deal' with Buster and Plucky
Babs, Hamton and Gogo all protest
Buster and his gang rap...
"Can't beat the rap, can't beat the rap! Order in the courtroom, can't beat the rap!"
...except for Hamton, who sings "Charleston (Made in Carolina)"
"We're The Fat Guys and we'll tell you what to do, you better turn yourself in or we'll sit on you!"
"I want a lawyer!" "My card." "No!"
"Hey, there are laws in this town, you know!"
Hamton finally wraps... presents, that is.
Gag Credit: Free T.V. - You get what you pay for