"Greetings, Toonsters! Today's show is devoted to a terrific, but much underused element of our series."
Plucky, thinking Buster is talking about him, takes a bow
The Flea Family in the TTA logo
Papa Flea and Flio work as Fur Lumberjacks...
The Scratchiano Family house
...so that Mama Flea and Itchy can make fur coats
Itchy is relieved when they run out of hair...
...but it is unfortunately short-lived, as Itchy faints when Papa and Flio deliver more hair
Furrball finds out the Flea Family are eating him again
"Does this mean we don't have to pay our cable bill?"
"Who's at the door?" "That 'T' Word I'm not allowed to say."
An Army of Fleas jumping off of Byron
Boss Tick's army, who make Furrball itch...
Itchy begs for Boss Tick to spare her family's lives
...so Elmyra will give Furrball a bath and drown the Flea Family
"Halt! No one enters without Boss Tick's permission!"
"It says, For All Fleas Everywhere!"
"Yeah, but it doesn't say Anytime!"
Boss Tick, Flick, and Flit look over the Flea Family's fortune
"You know I hate the 'E' word."
Gnat is seen trying to get help while Byron is sleeping
Gnat finds out that Furrball has run away
"Cool, another stray cat for the pound."
Furrball playing a harmonica at the animal shelter
The Flea Family and Gnat decide to help Furrball get back to Elmyra's house so they can save Itchy
Mary Melody and her father stop by to look for a pet
"I'll have to pick out a new kitty!"
Boss Tick prepares for his marriage with Itchy...
...but he finds out that Flick and Flit have turned against him
"You're my Gnat in shining armor!"
Elmyra decides to give Byron a bath when she finds him itching
Gag credit: It didn't work on paper - It doesn't work on film