Act One[]
(The episode begins with a title card that says, Hamton as Fléche De Lard. The title card depicts Hamton dressed as a swashbuckler, holding onto a rope ladder with his left hand and holding a sword in his right, above silhouettes of a gang of pirates, The screen fades to black, then to a rocky mountain being splashed by a wave. The camera moves to the upper-right corner of the screen, until it reaches a castle. Thunder booms and lightning flashes as the camera zooms in on the castle)
Lady May (Heard Offscreen): "You will never have me, Lord Sebastian! My heart belongs to another."
(The camera cuts to a view of one of the castle windows and slowly zooms in on it. The light flickers on and off as Lord Sebastian talks to Lady May)
Lord Sebastian (heard offscreen): (Snort) "Lady May, do not tell me what I may or may not have,"
(The screen transitions to a view inside the castle, where Lady May, a pig princess, is backing into a corner)
Lord Sebastian (heard offscreen): (Snort) "I may have what I may, or then again," (Snort)
(The camera moves to the right side of the screen, where Lord Sebastian, an evil and ugly pig emperor, is standing in the doorway)
Lord Sebastian: "I may not!" (Laughs evilly)
Lady May (heard offscreen): "Sir Hamton the Prudent shall save me!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Lord Sebastian, whose lips are covered in saliva)
Lord Sebastian: "Ha! I scoff in the general direction of that spineless swine!" (Snort)
(The camera briefly cuts to a view of a terrified Lady May)
Lord Sebastian: "And now," (as the camera cuts back to the previous view) "I shall take you as my wife!" (Snort)
(The camera cuts to a view of one of the castle's windows)
Hamton (heard offscreen): "I don't think so!"
(Hamton, dressed in a black mask, a suit of armor, and a red cape breaks through the window. The camera focuses on him as he falls to the floor, then cuts to a view of Lord Sebastian cornering a terrified Lady May as she gasps. It then cuts to an opposing view of Hamton approaching Lord Sebastian)
Lord Sebastian (Heard Offscreen): "So, Sir Hamton," (Snort)
(The camera cuts back to the previous view as Lady May yells with glee and Lord Sebastian turns around to fight Hamton)
Lord Sebastian: "We meet again."
(The camera cuts back to the previous view as Hamton approaches Lord Sebastian)
Hamton: "I wish we could chat, but you're late."
(The camera cuts to an opposing view. In the background, Lady May can be seen swooning with many tiny love hearts above her)
Lord Sebastian: "Ha! Late for what?"
(The camera cuts to an opposing view of Hamton)
Hamton: "Late, as in 'The Late Lord Sebastian'! Knave Pluck, my sword."
(The camera cuts to a view of a doorway, focusing on Plucky as he drags a heavy sword across the castle, until he reaches Hamton)
Plucky: "Couldn't we have taken the elevator?"
Hamton: "Ahem!"
(Plucky tries to hand Hamton the heavy sword, but gets flatted by it instead. Hamton picks up the sword and the flattened Plucky stands up. The camera cuts to a view of Lord Sebastian and Lady May as the former drops the latter and pulls out a sword with his left hand. It then cuts to a zoomed-out view as Hamton approaches him, followed by an opposing view as Hamton points his sword, then to a close-up of the ends of both swords as they clank together. Hamton swings his sword, using it as a transition to the next scene, where he is flexing his muscles. The camera cuts to an opposing view as Lord Sebastian's sword gains a face, looks in shock, then gasps and deflates. It then cuts to a zoomed-in view as Lord Sebastian looks at his sword in shock and nervously runs off, leaving his sword behind. The camera cuts to a view of the castle hallway as Lord Sebastian runs down it from behind, leaving a trail of dust and literally running up the walls. The camera cuts to a view of Hamton and Lady May)
Lady May (as she approaches Hamton): "Oh, Sir Hamton the Prudent, how shall I ever repay you?"
(Hamton puts his sword back in his holster, then uses said holster to whack Lady May into the air. He catches her, then the camera cuts to a zoomed-in view as they are about to kiss, with their snouts pressed against each other, and tiny love hearts emitting above them)
Buster: "All right, that's it!"
(Hamton and Lady May stare in shock. The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view, revealing it all to be an act as the castle background is pulled away and Buster walks in)
Buster: "I can't believe it; another mediocre script!"
(Babs appears onscreen)
Babs (as Buster walks up to her): "And what's worse, we're not even in this one!"
Buster (as he points to his right side with his thumb): "Let's go see the writers."
Hamton:"You can't do this! This episode was my star vehicle! I even got the girl!"
(As Hamton says this, Plucky walks up to Lady May. The two look at each other, then Plucky holds her in his arms and kisses her, with many tiny love hearts emitting from them. The screen irises out on them in a red heart shape, which they look at the viewers through. It then irises in on Buster and Babs. The camera focuses on them as they walk down the studio, past several backgrounds, one of which is a desert landscape, and another of which is a castle gate, until they reach the Staff Writers' door)
Buster: "Wait till' I give these hack script hounds a piece of my mind!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of the door, which has a StAFF RitERZ sign crudely taped to it. Buster opens the door, revealing caricatures of the show's writers, namely Paul Dini, Nicholas Hollander, and Sherri Stoner playing go fish on their desk. Also in the room is a "Mermaid" poster on the wall and various garbage on the floor)
Writer #1: "Got any threes?"
Writer #2 (as he places a fish on the table): "Go fish!"
(Writer #2 tosses his cards aside, then looks at the fish hungrily)
Writer #1: "You guys the Pizza People?"
(Buster slams the door, causing the StAFF RitERZ sign to fall off it, revealing a MEN sign underneath it. The camera moves to the right side of the screen, where Babs is)
Babs: "Losers."
Buster: "Big time."
Babs: "Let's take this up with the big guy!"
Buster: "Raymond Burr?"
(Babs gives an annoyed look)
Babs (sarcastically): "Yeah, Raymond Burr."
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view as Babs jumps and digs a hole in the floor. She then runs out and gets behind Buster)
Babs: "Maybe we can get a guest shot on Perry Mason." (As she tosses Buster into the hole) "Give me a break."
(Babs dives into the hole, then burrows away. The screen transitions to the next scene, which takes place outside the WB Studio, where Ralph the Guard is standing. Robin Williams, dressed like Peter Pan from the 1991 Spielberg Film, Hook, is being lifted back and forth above him via wires as he turns his attention to him the entire time)
Robin: "I can fly. Look ma, no wires!"
(Robin crashes, emitting a cloud of dust. Dustin Hoffman, dressed as Captain Hook from the same film, walks past Ralph, who turns his attention to him. Dustin is looking through a telescope, held by his right hand, and pulling a toy pirate ship with his left... hook shall we say)
Dustin: "Hoist the, uh, hoist the petards."
(Ralph salutes Dustin. The camera cuts to a view of the Burbank freeway as various cars travel across it. In the background are the HOLLYWOOD sign and a sign that says, BURBANK ENTRANCE. The camera then moves to the right side of the screen, past the WB studio lot as Buster and Babs burrow through it, focusing on them until they reach Ralph. It then cuts to a zoomed-in view as Buster emerges from the burrow)
Buster: "Hello, I'm Buster Bunny."
(Babs emerges from the burrow next to him)
Babs: "And I'm Babs Bunny!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Ralph as he yawns, then moves downward to Buster and Babs. It then cuts back to the previous view)
Buster and Babs (simultaneously): "No... relation?"
(The camera cuts back to the previous view)
Buster: "Ahem. The stars of Tiny Toon Adventures?"
(The camera cuts to an opposing view)
Babs: "We're here to see Steven Spielberg."
(Ralph walks into his booth. The camera cuts to a view inside the booth and zooms out as he is about to press a button with the ACME logo on it)
Ralph: "Duh, uh, your names ain't on the list!"
(The camera cuts to an opposing view as Ralph presses the button and ejects Buster and Babs off the lot. It then cuts to a view of Buster and Babs in the air, focusing on them as they scream and make Buster-and-Babs-shaped holes in the clouds that they pass through. The camera then cuts to a view outside the Earth, focusing on Buster and Babs as they continue to fly through the air, then fall back down to Earth. It then cuts to a view of Ralph reading a magazine in front of his booth, then moves to the right side of the screen. Buster and Babs emerge from the ground, riding the dinosaur skeleton from Journey to the Center of Acme Acres, and wearing their Biff and Buffy Vanderbunny hats. The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of them)
Babs: "Biff and Buffy Vanderbunny from Journey to the Center of Acme Acres".
(The camera cuts to a view of Ralph as he pulls a whistle from his pocket and blows into it. It then cuts to a zoomed-out view as Muffin the Dog (from the You Asked for It, Part II episode segment, The Return of The Toxic Revenger) runs past him, barking. The camera focuses on him as he runs up to the dinosaur skeleton, then cuts to a zoomed-in view as Muffin takes the left fibula bone, causing the skeleton to wobble. The camera moves upwards to Buster and Babs, then back down as the skeleton literally falls to pieces. The camera then cuts to a zoomed-in view as Buster and Babs emerge from the right and left eye holes, respectively)
Buster: "This guy must have never seen a cartoon in his life!"
Babs: "Either that, or he has a pathological hatred of rabbits."
(The two rabbits pick up the dinosaur skull and pull it away. The camera cuts to an opposing view, focusing on them as they walk away, until an absurdly long limousine drives in front of them and knocks them aside. The limousine stops, and the camera moves to the other side, where Ralph is, preparing to tip his hat. It then cuts to a zoomed-in view as the window rolls down, revealing the legs of Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
Ralph: "Duh, morning, Roger."
Roger Rabbit (Heard offscreen as he pulls his hand out): "Yeah, P-p-p-pleasant, isn't it?"
(Roger grabs Ralph's tie, pulls it, and lets go, causing Ralph to fall over. The window rolls up and the camera cuts to a zoomed-out view as the Limousine drives away, emitting a cloud of dust. The camera then moves to the left side of the screen. When the dust clears, it reveals Buster and Babs, scorched with their clothes slightly damaged)
Babs: "Why that..."
Buster: "No good..."
Buster and Babs (simultaneously, as they transform into giant sticks of dynamite with fuses taking the places of their ears): "Authority figure!"
(The two rabbits explode, emitting a cloud of dust. When the dust clears, they are back to their normal shapes but are covered in ash, which they shake off. Babs holds up her fist, with a thumbs-up)
Babs: "Ready?"
Buster (as he raises his fist): "Go!"
(The camera focuses on the two rabbits as they jump into the air and dig into the ground and burrow away. It then cuts to a view of the WB studio, focusing on them as they dig their way to the Amblin studios building, followed by a view of the Amblin Studios building itself, with a sign with the company's logo in front of it. The two rabbits burrow their way to the building as the camera zooms in on them, then the screen transitions to a view of the hallway as the two rabbits crawl under the rug. The camera then cuts to a view of Doc Brown from Back to the Future, George Lucas dressed like Darth Vader from Star Wars, who then promptly removes the helmet, and Andrew Lloyd Webber in a Tabby Cat costume, holding the mask in his right hand and a script in the left, which he looks over. Buster and Babs crawl past them, and the camera focuses on them as they pass a desk, where the secretary, whose name is revealed on a plaque to be Bonnie Curtis, is talking on the phone and writing on a typewriter, as they reach the door.)
Bonnie: "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Spielberg's really busy today."
(The camera cuts to a view inside Spielberg's office, which is decorated with posters of various movies he directed, including E.T. the Extraterrestrial, and Gremlins. Buster and Babs emerge from the hole they made, then the camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of them)
Buster: "Being a rabbit has its advantages."
Steven Spielberg: "Get out of here, you no-good vermin!"
(As Steven says this, Babs jumps into Buster's arms fearfully. She jumps down, then the two bunnies stare in awe. The camera cuts to a view of their backsides and zooms in on the glowing chair they are staring at. It then cuts to an opposing view of Steven himself, who is revealed to be playing an arcade game. The two rabbits walk up to him as various arcade noises can be heard in the background. The camera then cuts to a side view as the two rabbits back up, followed by a view of the arcade game's screen, revealing a man zapping bugs. The camera then cuts to a view of the two rabbits)
Babs (whispering): "Say something!"
Buster (whispering: "You say something!"
Babs (whispering) "You say something!"
(Babs pushes Buster. The camera focuses on Buster as he stumbles back and accidentally unplugs the plug to the arcade game. The camera cuts to a view of the screen as it shuts off suddenly, then moves to the left side of the screen as Steven gasps. It then cuts to a zoomed-in view of Steven, followed by a zoomed-out view as Buster tries to plug the game back in. Steven turns around as the two rabbits nervously hide the plug behind their backs)
Steven: "Oh, Buster and Babs!"
(The camera zooms in on the two rabbits, then cuts to a view of them together as they drop the plug and Buster kicks it with his right foot. They jump into the air, then the camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Steven as he looks up at them. It then cuts to a zoomed-out opposing view as the two rabbits land in Steven's lap. Buster shakes Steven's left hand and Babs removes Steven's hat)
Buster: "Hey, Stevearino!"
Babs: "Steve, man!"
Buster (as he and Babs turn Steven's chair to face the camera): "The Stevester!"
Babs (as she hugs Steven's head): "Stevaroski!"
Buster (as he hugs Steven's head and Babs kisses it): "Stevarello!"
(The camera cuts to an opposing view as Babs jumps down in front of Buster and Steven, then spin-changes to dress like Mary Poppins from the 1964 Disney movie of the same name)
Babs (as she opens the umbrella and floats into the air, with the camera focusing on her): "Stevacalifragilisticexpialadocious!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Babs' backside as she floats down towards Buster and Steven, then to a view of Buster and Steven themselves)
Buster and Steven (simultaneously): "Rope it in."
(The camera cuts to a view of Babs as she laughs nervously. It then cuts to a view of Buster and Steven as the latter is playing with a paddleball)
Steven: "So, what's up?"
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster as he hands Steven the script for Fléche De Lard)
Buster: "Today's script stinks!"
(The camera focuses on Buster as he walks to the right side of the screen)
Buster: "And we're not even in it!"
(The paddleball goes into Buster's mouth. Buster tries to pull it off, but with no success. Babs walks up to Buster, then pulls off the paddleball forcefully, pulling out Buster's teeth as well. Buster pulls his teeth off the paddleball, then puts them back in his mouth. The camera cuts to a view of Steven and zooms out on him as he hands Buster and Babs a script)
Steven: "Well, I just got a script from three hot young writers; eight graders, in fact."
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Babs, zooming in further on her. It then cuts to an opposing view as she opens the script)
Steven: "It's called, Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian."
(Inside the script are the words, BUStER & BABS go HAWAiiAN, with poorly-drawn sketches of Buster and Babs below them. Babs is dressed in a grass skirt, playing a ukulele, while Buster is dancing. The sketch of Babs then spins like Taz the Tasmanian Devil)
Babs: "Oooh, I've always wanted to go there!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster as Babs runs up to him, dressed in a lei, grass skirt, sunglasses, and a flower braid, and holding a ukulele. She screams excitedly, then plays the ukulele)
Buster (as he grabs Babs with his right hand, pulling her away and causing her to drop her sunglasses): "We'll do it, thanks!"
(The camera cuts to an overhead view of Buster, focusing on him as he pulls Babs by her ears back to the burrow. Babs then emerges from it)
Babs: "You know, Stevie, hon, I'm available for features."
(Buster reaches out from the burrow, then grabs Babs by her ears, pulling her away, this time, causing her to drop her lei. The camera moves upwards to the door, revealing posters for Raiders of the Lost Ark and Always on the left side)
Plucky (heard offscreen): "Calm down, Hamton."
(Glass shatters as Hamton, dressed in sunglasses and a robe, kicks the doors open
Hamton: "Let me in there!"
(Hamton barges in with Plucky following behind. The camera cuts to a side view as Hamton angrily walks up to Steven, then to a view of Steven's backside as Hamton climbs up his desk and removes his sunglasses)
Hamton: I finally get a decent role," (as he grabs Steven and tosses his sunglasses aside) "And it's snatched out from under me by those two scene-stealing rabbits!" (As he picks up Steven, then drops him back down) "It's pig discrimination, I tell you!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Plucky as Hamton barges towards the door. Hamton turns around and Plucky stares at him)
Hamton: "The Hog Association will hear of this!"
(Hamton slams the doors behind him, causing the glass around the posters of Always, E.T., and Gremlins to shatter. Plucky nervously runs up to Steven, then the camera cuts to a view of Steven behind his desk as Plucky climbs up it)
Plucky: "Uh, uh, pardon him, Mr. Spielberg, uh, he's been noshing on too much, um, sugar-coated slop. Yeah." (Laughs nervously, then pulls out a brush with his right hand) "Can I shine your sneakers, Sir?"
(Plucky grabs Steven's right foot, causing Steven to fall over. He then shines Steven's foot. The screen transitions to the next scene, where the camera focuses on Buster and Babs as they walk down the studio. Babs reads over the script)
Babs: "By Renee Carter, Sarah Creef..." (as Buster snatches the script from her) "And Amy Crosby." (As Buster kisses the script) "Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian."
Buster (as he tosses the script back to Babs, who catches it): "Now this is more like it."
(The camera cuts to a frontal view as Babs walks out of view and reads over the script)
Babs: "Scene One: Buster and Babs are on an airplane."
(Buster stops and stares nervously. The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of him as the background changes to a pink and purple swirl)
Buster: "Ai... air... air... ai... airplane?"
(The background changes to the sky as Buster's ears take the form of airplane wings. He nervously pulls on the collar of his shirt as the background changes back to normal. The screen fades to black, ending act one)
Act Two[]
(The second act begins with a view of a background of a volcano in a tropical forest. The camera zooms out to reveal it is one of the studio's backgrounds, then moves to the right side of the screen, until it reaches Buster and Babs. Babs is sitting in a director's chair, reading a magazine as Buster dials the phone with his left hand and holds the receiver in the right)
Babs (heard offscreen): "Come on, they're ready to roll."
Buster: "Just a sec, Toots. I have to talk to the writers. Teenagers."
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Buster)
Buster: "Hello, Renee?" (as he pulls out the script with his left hand) "I wanna talk about a rewrite."
(Renee reaches out through the phone, grabs Buster and pulls him in, with a Buster-shaped bulge in the cord. The camera cuts to an overhead view of the U.S., showing that Acme Acres is located in California. It focuses on the Buster-shaped bulge as it travels across the telephone lines, until it reaches Waynesboro, PA. The Camera cuts to a view of Renee as she is holding the phone with her right hand and pulls Buster out of it by his ears with her left)
Renee: "Hey, aren't you supposed to be filming our script?"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view, revealing Amy Crosby, who is holding a piece of paper, and Sarah Creef, who is sitting at the computer in front of her. In Renee's bedroom is various Tiny Toon Adventures merchandise, including a figure of Plucky, plush toys of Buster, Babs, and Dizzy Devil, a lamp of Elmyra Duff, posters of Buster and Furrball, and an ACME flag)
Buster: "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster and Renee by themselves. In the background, a figure of Fifi La Fume can be seen next to the figure of Plucky)
Buster (as he pulls out his contract): "My contract says,"
(The camera cuts to a close-up of the contract, which says, I DON'T DO PLANE SCENES! Buster)
Buster: "I don't do plane scenes!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Renee, Sarah, and Amy, who all huddle and whisper to each other)
Renee, Sarah, and Amy: "Hmmm..."
Sarah: "The plane stays!"
Amy: "Now, back to work!"
Buster: "Oh, but girls..."
(Before Buster can continue, Renee lets go of Buster's ears, causing Buster to fall back into the phone)
Renee: "That's an actor for you; always messing with the writer's vision."
(The camera cuts back to the studio, where Babs is holding the receiver, waiting anxiously for Buster to return)
Babs: "Buster? Buster? Buster?"
(Buster flies out of the phone, knocking Babs over. The camera focuses on them both as they tumble, until they hit the background of the tropical forest)
Buster: "I decided we should do it their way."
(The screen fades to black, then to the Tiny Toon Adventures logo. Buster and Babs appear in the logo and chuckle nervously. They then give a contented sigh as the title card for BUStER & BABS GO HAWAIIAN comes down, featuring the episode's title above poorly drawn sketches of Buster and Babs (the latter of whom is in a lei and grass skirt on the right side of the screen. On the left side of the screen is an easel of Buster and Babs, both of whom are drawn normally looking through the show's iconic rainbow logo. All this is done in a poorly drawn Hawaiian background. The camera then cuts to a picture of Amy, Sarah, and Renee holding a piece of notebook paper that has them credited as the writers. Sarah is also holding a pencil in her right hand. The camera cuts to a poorly-drawn sketch of Buster on a piece of notebook paper. The sketch waves to the viewers)
Buster (as the words, Aloha Toonsters! Guess What? appear above him): "Aloha, toonsters! Guess what?"
(A pencil appears on the left side of the screen and draws a poorly-drawn sketch of Babs dressed in a lei and a grass skirt.)
Buster (as the words, Babs and I are off for Three Glorious Days. appear onscreen): "Babs and I are off for three glorious days..." (A sketch of a wave appears on the right side of the screen and washes over the sketches of Buster and Babs. A poorly-drawn sketch of a smiling sun appears above afterwards, and the sketches of the two drenched rabbits frown)
Buster (as the words, of SURF Sun and FUN appear onscreen): "Of surf, sun, and fun!"
(a pencil appears on the left side of the screen, erases the frowns of the sketches of Buster and Babs, and draws smiles in their places. The two sketches stand back up with enthusiastic expressions on their faces. The page turns to a poorly-drawn sketch of Buster carrying a large amount of luggage behind a poorly-drawn sketch of Babs, who this time, is dressed in her normal attire)
Buster (as the words, Gee, I hope you brought enough stuFF. appear onscreen): "Gee, I hope you brought enough stuff!"
(The page turns. The animation is now normal, and the camera focuses on Buster and Babs as they walk down the halls of Air Acme, until they reach the Flight Attendant's desk, where Mary Melody is working as a flight attendant)
Babs: "So I'm roughing it."
Mary: "I'm sorry, each passenger is only allowed two pieces of carry-on luggage."
(The camera cuts to a close-up of Mary)
Mary: "You'll have to check the others."
(The camera zooms out as Mary presses a button that says, BAGGAGE with her left hand. The button buzzes and the camera cuts to a view of the entrance to Air Acme as Dizzy Devil appears, spinning. It focuses on him as he spins his way to Buster and Babs. He then picks up the luggage and eats it. When he stops spinning, he spits out two pieces, one big and pink, and the other small and blue, which he catches in his arms)
Dizzy: "Ptooey! Ptooey! Yum, samsonite!"
(Dizzy spins past Buster and Babs, then past the screen as a transition to the next scene, which takes place outside Air Acme's terminal. The camera moves to the left side of the screen, until it reaches a smiling airplane. Another plane is flying above it in the background)
Buster: "If he's the baggage handler, what's the pilot like?"
(The camera cuts to a view inside the plane. Various caricatures of the show's cast and crew can be seen. As the flight attendant walks down the aisle, a caricature of Tress MacNeille can be seen reading a blue book that says, TINY TOON and a caricature of Joe Alaskey can be seen sitting next to her. The camera moves to the left side of the screen, past more caricatures of the show's cast and crew, as well as Dizzy, until it reaches Babs and a nervous Buster, the latter of whom is sitting behind a caricature of his own voice actor, Charlie Adler, who is reading a Tiny Toon Adventures magazine. The camera zooms in on Buster, then cuts to an opposing view)
Montana Max (heard through a loudspeaker): "Aloha, suckers!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Monty inside the control room, dressed like a pilot. He is holding the microphone in his right hand)
Monty: "Welcome aboard Air Acme's Hawaiian Express. We're presently 87th in line for takeoff, but why wait? Ha ha!"
(Monty presses a red button. The button brings down two arms, the first of which removes his pilot hat and headset, and the latter puts a pilot's helmet in its place. Monty pulls the lever, and the camera cuts to a view outside the airplane as it starts up, backs up, then shoots off like a rocket. The camera cuts to a view of the damaged runway, moving from the right side of the screen to the left, where the plane is in the air. It then cuts to a view of Monty inside the control room, zooming out to reveal an arcade game called "PlaneMan" (an obvious Pac-Man spoof) in front of him. Monty is wearing his pilot hat and headset again and holding the microphone in his right hand)
Monty: "Hey, I got us up! Guess there's a first time for everything, huh, folks?"
(Monty drops his microphone and begins pressing the buttons on the PlaneMan game. The camera cuts to a view of the screen, where the plane is munching dots through a maze, much like Pac-Man. It then cuts to a view outside the plane, revealing the plane to be munching clouds. The camera then cuts to a view of Buster as he gets out of his seat)
Buster: "Think I'll see if the guys in 'First Class' are having this much fun."
(The camera cuts to a view of a curtain near a sign that says, FIRST CLASS as Buster approaches it)
Buster: "I'm sure it's not all it's cracked up to be."
(As Buster peers through the curtain, the camera cuts to a live-action scene of various people having a party, dressed in fancy clothes, and dancing together. They stop dancing when they see Buster. The camera cuts to a view outside the curtain. An orange balloon comes out of the curtain as the flight attendant peers out from it. Buster gulps nervously as the flight attendant points to him)
Flight Attendant: "You're not supposed to be here."
(An extendable boxing glove appears from the curtain and punches Buster out of the screen. The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view and moves to the right side of the screen, past several seats with Buster-shaped holes in them, until it reaches Buster, whose legs are sticking out of his seat. It then cuts to a zoomed-in view of Buster's legs)
Monty (heard offscreen): "Attention, peasants! For lunch, we're pleased to offer you lobster, or filet mingon."
(Upon hearing this, Buster's head emerges from his seat. He licks his lips, then pulls his whole body out from the seat. He is now wearing a bib and holding a fork in his left hand and a knife in his right)
Monty (heard offscreen): "Ha, just kidding!"
(Buster's face quickly turns from an enthusiastic smile to a cross frown. He is obviously not amused at Monty's joke. The camera cuts to a view of Monty in the control panel as Grovely removes the lid of Monty's plate, revealing a lobster and a filet mingon underneath. Monty is wearing a bib and holding a knife in his left hand and the microphone in his right as he is preparing to eat his lunch)
Monty: "That's what I'm having!"
(The camera cuts to an overhead view of Buster and Babs, the latter of whom is reading a book that says, HIGH AND THE MEEK)
Monty (heard through loudspeaker): "What you're eating hasn't been classified by science yet. Bon appétit!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Plucky, dressed as a flight attendant, focusing on him as he pushes a cart with brown sauce on it. On top of the cart is a bucket with a bone and a tentacle inside. It then cuts to a view of Buster's backside as Plucky reaches him)
Plucky: "And what'll it be,"
(The camera cuts to a view of a horrified Buster as Plucky shows him the so-called food, pouring sauce on it as flies buzz over it)
Plucky: "Grey lumps in brown sauce or brown lumps in grey sauce?"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view as Buster's face turns pale. It then cuts back to the previous view as Buster pushes the brown lumps in grey sauce away)
Buster: "You don't have any nice, fresh carrots, per chance?
(The camera cuts to a side view as Plucky looks through the cart. He pulls out a carrot chip and hands it to Buster)
Plucky: "Closest we come are these freeze-dried reconstituted carrot chips."
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Buster)
Buster: "Hmm. How bad could they be?"
(Buster puts the carrot chip in his mouth and swallows it. The camera cuts to a frontal view of him as he suddenly feels queasy. He melts into a green puddle, with his eyes being the only solid parts. He then resolidifies into a green version of himself, with his shirt and gloves remaining normal. The background turns purple, then to a red watery background. Buster appears in a bubble as the background turns blue. When the bubble pops, Buster lands in a dark background. The background turns back to normal as Buster runs towards the bathroom, leaving a trail of dust behind. The camera cuts to a view inside the airplane as Buster continues running, focusing on him as he does, until he reaches the restroom. He opens the door, revealing it is crowded with other queasy passengers. He stares in shock, then goes inside and shuts the door. He and the other passengers all throw up simultaneously. When Buster exits, he is back in his normal blue hue, while the other passengers are still green with nausea)
Buster: "Let me guess. You guys ate the carrot chips, too?"
(The screen transitions to the next scene, which takes place outside a Hawaiian airport. The camera moves to the right side of the screen, until it reaches the now-landed airplane. The camera zooms in on it, then cuts to a side view of the door, zooming in as Buster jumps down the stairs and lands on the runway)
Buster: "Ahhh, the only way to fly."
(Buster kisses the runway. The camera cuts to a view of him on the left side of the screen as Babs walks down the stairs, zooming out as Shirley the Loon and Fifi La Fume, dressed in leis and grass skirts, approach them. Fifi is holding a ukelele, while Shirley is holding leis, which she hands to Buster and Babs)
Shirley: "Like, welcome to Hawaii! Enjoy these ultra-rare flowers that like, died for you!"
(Buster and Babs look questioningly at their leis. The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view as Shirley appears on the left side of the screen)
Shirley: "You murderers!"
(The camera cuts back to the previous view as Shirley and Fifi walk away. It then zooms in on Buster and Babs)
Buster: "Great. Instead of a vacation, we get a guilt trip!"
(The screen transitions to the next scene, which takes place at the baggage claim. Buster and Babs walk under a sign that says, BAGGAGE 3)
Babs: "Let's get our bags."
(The camera cuts to a close-up of the chute as Dizzy Devil spins out of it. It focuses on him as he spins down the conveyor belt. When he stops spinning, he is revealed to have taken a bite out of Babs' big pink suitcase)
Buster: "What bags?"
(Dizzy eats the rest of the suitcase and burps. The camera cuts to a view inside the terminal, focusing on Buster and Babs as they walk down the hall)
Babs: "I hope I brought enough money for replacements."
(As Babs says this, she and Buster pass a sign that says, BUS-TOURS. A thief approaches them and picks their pockets, then walks away. Babs puts her right hand in one of her skirt pockets)
Babs: "Oh no!" (As she pulls out her skirt pockets and pulls on Buster's left arm) "all my money's gone!"
Buster (as he pulls out his "body pockets") "Oh, mine too!"
Babs (screaming frantically as she grabs Buster and throws him to the floor): "Oh-ho-ho-ho, Buster!" (as the background goes dark and a spotlight casts over her, with her on her knees) "We're broke and alone, millions of miles from anyone we know!" (as she jumps up and down and Buster plugs his ears) "What'll we do?"
Huge Nose Guy (heard offscreen as Buster and Babs turn their attention to him): "Your money is stolen,"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view, revealing a huge-nosed man in a trenchcoat on the right side of the screen. The background is now back to normal)
Huge Nose Guy: "Your luggage is eaten, and you're a million miles away from anyone you know,"
(The camera briefly cuts to a view of a shocked Buster and Babs on a flashing background, zooming in on them. It then cuts back to the previous scene)
Huge Nose Guy: "What will you do? What will you do?"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Buster and Babs, the latter of whom is beginning to cry)
Babs: (sniffles) "Well, what will we do?"
(The camera cuts back to the previous view as the Huge Nose Guy turns to face Buster and Babs, holding out his right hand)
Huge Nose Guy: (laughs) "Gee, I don't know. I just like saying, 'What will you do?'"
(The camera focuses on the Huge Nose Guy as he pulls all of Buster and Babs' money out of his pocket with his left hand, revealing him to be the thief. He walks offscreen)
Huge Nose Guy: "Bye."
(The camera cuts back to the previous scene as Buster points towards the Huge Nose Guy with his left arm)
Buster: "That guy's nose is huge!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view as Buster now has his left arm around Babs)
Buster: "Ah, dry your eyes, Babsy. I have everything well in hand." (As the camera zooms out) "Or, should I say, 'well in foot'?"
(Buster holds up a golden card in his left foot. Babs takes the card)
Babs: "Wow!"
(The camera cuts to a close-up of the card, revealing it to have the words, ACME EXPRESS at the top, above a picture of Bugs Bunny dressed in a golden gladiator suit, and the words, BUGS BUNNY and BUGS on the left side)
Babs: "An Acme Express gold card!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster as he takes the card back from Babs)
Buster: "I'll rent us a limo to take us to the hotel."
(The screen transitions to the next scene, where a sign that says, ACME Rent-a-Reck can be seen. The camera zooms out as Buster and Babs are standing behind the desk below the sign. It then cuts to a zoomed-in view as Buster rings the bell twice. Elmyra emerges from behind the desk, and Buster and Babs stare at her in shock)
Elmyra: "Oooh! Two cutesy-wutesy cuddly hippety-hops have come to rent a car!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view. Elmyra jumps at Buster and Babs, who spit up and run away just before she can catch them. Elmyra falls to the floor, then the camera cuts to a view of Buster and Babs' backsides, focusing on the two rabbits as they run down the hall, past the entrance, and onto the road, leaving behind a cloud of dust. Elmyra catches up to the entrance and watches them run away. The camera cuts to an opposing view, revealing her to be distraught)
Elmyra: "Wait! Come back!" (As the camera cuts to an overhead view of her) "I have so much love to give," (As the camera zooms out, revealing the many cars surrounding the ACME Rent-a-Reck building) "And so many cars to rent!"
(The screen transitions to the next scene, and the camera focuses on Buster and Babs as they continue running across the sidewalk and stop when they reach the edge. Babs jumps atop Buster and pulls out the Acme Express gold card with her right hand)
Babs: "Taxi!"
(A limousine pulls up next to them and stops. The door opens, the two bunnies run inside, the door closes, and the limousine drives away, leaving behind a cloud of smoke. The camera cuts to a view inside the limousine and moves from the left side of the screen to the right, showing a bucket with bottles of wine inside, two wine glasses, a doily on the table next to it, and a glass vase with two roses in it next to Buster, who is relaxing next to Babs, who is holding the Acme Express gold card behind her back)
Babs: "How'd you get that credit card anyway?" (As the camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of her and Buster) "I didn't think they gave them to kids."
(Babs uses her right arm to hold the Acme Express Gold Card in front of her. Buster takes it from her with his right hand)
Buster: "Well, they don't."
(The camera cuts to a close-up of the card)
Buster (heard offscreen as the camera zooms in on Bugs' signature): "I just kind of borrowed it from Bugs,"
(The camera cuts to a view of Bugs Bunny, who is in his mansion, wearing a purple bath robe, holding a glass and watching the show on his television set. Next to him is a bucket full of carrots)
Buster (heard offscreen): "In case of an emergency."
(Upon hearing this, Bugs tosses the glass aside, stares at the TV in shock, then reaches into his bath robe with his left hand. The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view as he pulls out his wallet. It then zooms in on the wallet as it unfolds, revealing that Buster did in fact, borrow his Acme Express Gold Card without his permission. The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of the wallet, revealing cards that say, DISCOUVRY, MASER GARD, and McKimson Express, all with Bugs Bunny's name on them. Bugs points at the empty space with his right hand)
Bugs: "Why that little so-and-so!"
(The camera zooms in on the empty space, then cuts back to the previous view as Bugs refolds his wallet)
Bugs: "I am not happy about this!"
(The screen fades to black, ending act two)
Act Three[]
(The third act begins with a view of a hotel that says, ACME ICKY WACKY BEACH HOTEL. The camera moves to the right side of the screen as the limousine approaches, then focuses on it as it stops in front of the hotel. It then moves to the right side of the screen and stops when it reaches the cab)
Babs (heard offscreen): "I've never told you this before,"
(The camera cuts to a view of the other side of the limousine. The doorman walks up to the limo and opens the door)
Babs (heard offscreen): "But I love you." (Kiss)
(The camera cuts to a view of the limo door. The dialogue above implies that Babs is talking about Buster, but when the Doorman opens the door, Babs is revealed to be kissing the Acme Express Gold Card. Buster is sitting next to her, with a cross look on his face. Babs runs out of the limousine, then the camera cuts to a zoomed-out view as Buster follows behind her)
Buster (to the doorman): "She's got a thing for plastic."
(The camera cuts to a view inside the hotel as Buster and Babs look around. It then moves to the right side of the screen, past a doorway with a sign that says, RESTAURANT above it, until it reaches the desk. The camera then cuts to a side view of the desk as Buster and Babs approach it. Buster rings the bell three times, then Gogo Dodo appears, dressed in a hotel uniform. As he jumps onto the guest book, Buster and Babs jump back in shock)
Gogo Dodo (in a deep voice that gradually gets back to his normal high one): "Ye-e-e-e-e-es?"
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster and Babs' backsides)
Buster: "We'd like a room."
Gogo: "A room? What type of room?" (As he transforms into a mushroom) "Mushroom?" (as he transforms into himself wearing a toga) "You know, all roads lead to 'room'."
(Buster and Babs turn to face the viewers. They have unamused expressions on their faces. After Buster points to Gogo with his right thumb, he and Babs turn around. He then places the bell on Gogo's head and slams it down violently. Gogo then emerges from the guest book)
Gogo (dazed): "That's two, Buster?"
(The camera cuts to an overhead view)
Gogo (as he looks through the guest book): "There's always room for one more!"
Babs: "In that case, we'll take a suite!"
Gogo: "A 'sweet'?" (As he tosses the guest book aside and transforms into a giant banana split) "A banana split?" (As he transforms into a giant candy cane) "A candy cane?" (As he turns into two spinning circles) "A sugar swirl?" (as he transforms into a giant ice cream sundae with decorations of Buster and Babs) "Double-dip tutti-fruity bunny with a cherry on top?"
(The cherry appears on the sundae. Gogo then dumps the sundae on top of Buster and Babs and rings the umbrella on his head like a bell with his left hand three times)
Gogo: "Oh, bellhop,"
(The screen transitions to the next scene, where a tower of Babs' luggage appears, despite having been eaten by Dizzy earlier, as Buster and Babs later point out)
Gogo (heard offscreen): "Could you show these kind guests to their room?"
(The camera moves down the pile of luggage, until it reaches Li'l Sneezer, who is dressed in a bellhop uniform and carrying the luggage over his head)
Li'l Sneezer: "This way, uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh!"
(Sneezer walks away, carrying the pile of luggage. The screen transitions to the next scene, where Buster and Babs are standing outside their hotel room. The camera zooms out as Sneezer carries the luggage to them)
Babs: "Where'd this luggage come from? Ours was eaten, remember?"
Buster: "Uh-oh, there's a hole in the plot!"
Babs: "Big enough to drive a Mack truck through!"
(The camera cuts to a close-up of Babs. As she opens her mouth, a Mack truck drives through it, turning around and leaving a cloud of smoke behind, using it as a transition to the next scene, which looks identical to the previous as Sneezer tosses the luggage into Buster and Babs' room, then falls over. The camera cuts to a view of the two rabbits' backsides as Sneezer picks himself up, then to a zoomed-in view of Sneezer)
Sneezer: "Hey, it's not my fault!" (Giggles)
(The camera cuts to a view inside the hotel room, where the pile of luggage is now. Buster and Babs poke their heads out from behind it)
Sneezer: "Here's your room!"
(The camera cuts to an opposing view, showing a table with a bowl of fruit behind the pile of luggage)
Sneezer: "Have a nice day!"
(The camera moves to the right side of the screen, past a potted plant, and two lawn chairs near a view of the ocean. It stops when it reaches two burrows; one with a pink pillow, and one with a blue one. Buster and Babs run towards the burrows, and Buster jumps into the one next to the blue pillow. The camera moves to the left side of the screen, where Babs is observing the ocean view)
Babs: "Just look at that view!"
(The camera cuts to a view of the two burrows as Babs runs towards Buster's. She grabs Buster by the ears and drags him along)
Babs: "Let's go sightseeing, okay?"
(The camera cuts to a view of Babs as she drags Buster along, zooming in on Buster)
Buster: "Shouldn't we be getting our beauty rest first? I mean, it's been a very long day, don't you think?"
(The camera cuts to a view of Babs' backside as she turns around and turns Buster towards her, holding his head)
Babs: "Please, Buster?" (As she pokes his nose with her left hand) "We never go anywhere or do anything. Please? Please?" (As the camera cuts to a zoomed-out view of them) "Please?"
Buster (as he picks himself up and runs off): "Okay, Babs."
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster's backside as he turns around to face the viewers)
Buster (to the viewers): "I hate it when she does that."
(The screen transitions to the next scene, on a tropical background, where a sign that says, 'OVER THE VOLCANO TOURS is. Next to it is a set of helicopter blades, which start whirring and lifting the helicopter into the air. The camera moves to the right side of the screen, where the volcano is, as the helicopter approaches it. It then cuts to a view inside the helicopter, where Arnold is the pilot, Babs is taking pictures as she looks out the window on the left side of the screen, and an airsick Buster is sitting next to her. The camera zooms in on Buster)
Buster (as the camera zooms in and out on him): "I hate flying, I hate flying, I hate flying."
(The camera cuts to a view outside the helicopter as it flies past. The screen transitions to the next scene, where the helicopter is floating above the volcano. Babs is leaning out the window, holding a stick with two marshmallows in her left hand. When the marshmallows are roasted, she goes back inside the helicopter. The camera cuts to a view of her inside the helicopter, eating her marshmallow, then to a view of Buster as she hands him the stick with his marshmallow still on it. When he sees the marshmallow, Buster stares in shock, gets queasy, holds his mouth with his left hand, gulps, and runs away. The screen transitions to the next scene, which takes place inside Buster and Babs' hotel room. An airsick Buster opens the door as he and Babs walk inside)
Babs: "That was pointless."
(The camera cuts to a view outside the bathroom as Babs walks inside)
Babs: "Think I'll go freshen up now."
(As Babs walks towards the shower and turns the water on, Buster runs towards the doorway and points to the left side of the screen)
Buster: "Babs!"
(The camera cuts to a view inside the bathroom as Babs turns her attention to Buster. As she walks away, she accidentally knocks a box that says, SUDS into the bathtub, which slowly starts to fill up the bathtub)
Buster (heard offscreen): "Get a load of this!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster standing next to a basket of fruit and carrots. He stares at it in awe, and when Babs approaches him, she stares in awe as well. The camera cuts to a view of the top of the basket and gradually moves down it)
Buster (heard offscreen): "Check out all this free food!"
Babs (heard offscreen): "Trust me, Buster,"
(The camera cuts to an opposing view of Buster and Babs as the former turns his attention towards the latter)
Babs: "Nothing is for free." (as she pulls out the Acme Express gold card with her left hand) "It'll be added to our charge account."
Buster (as he points to Babs with his right hand) "You mean Bugs Bunny's account."
(Buster and Babs look up at the basket. The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view)
Buster and Babs: "A-Lunchtime!"
(The two rabbits jump at the basket. The camera cuts to a view of the basket as it gradually gets smaller. Munching sounds can be heard from the two rabbits, then the camera cuts to a view of the empty basket as various peels, cores, and stems can be seen on the floor. Buster is laying in front of the basket, munching and holding a half-eaten carrot in his right hand. Babs is standing right next to him)
Babs (as she walks away): "Now for that bath."
(The camera cuts to a view of Babs' backside as she approaches the bathroom door. As she opens it, a huge pile of soapy water is behind it. She stares in shock, closes the door, then turns around, pressed against the door)
Babs: "Oh, Buster. We have a slight problem."
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view as Buster approaches the door)
Buster: "What? No towels?"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view. Babs backs away as Buster opens the door, with the pile of soapy water still behind it. Buster stares in shock, then runs away as the soapy water begins to spill out. The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view as the two rabbits run from the soapy water, but to no avail, as it overtakes them. The soapy water is used as a transition to the next scene, where Babs, surrounded by soap suds, is wringing her ears out. The camera moves to the left side of the screen as Buster, who is also surrounded by soap suds, puts his left pointer finger in his mouth and uses it to blow all the water out of his ears in the form of two waterfalls. When all the water is out, he turns to face Babs)
Buster: "Uh, Babsy? You wouldn't have a Q-tip, would you?"
(The camera cuts to a spinning card that says, TINY TOONS SPECIAL REPORT, which stops spinning when it overtakes the screen)
Announcer: "We interrupt this very special episode of Tiny Toons to bring you a more special report."
(The camera cuts to a view of a blue background. On the right side of the screen is a man holding a pointer, and on the left is a projector screen. The man pulls down the screen, which has a picture of a Q-tip on it, with the word, Q-TIP under it, and a dotted line in the middle of the cotton swab, with an A next to it)
Q-Tip Man: "This is a Q-Tip, one of man's most practical inventions."
(The man holds the pointer in his right hand. The camera cuts to a close-up of the picture of the Q-tip)
Q-Tip Man: "See Figure A, notice 50% more cotton, and the delicate Swiss craftmanship."
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster, who stares in shock)
Buster: "Oh, what is with this story? It's like thirteen-year-olds wrote it!"
(Babs appears on the right side of the screen)
Babs: "Thirteen-year-olds did write it."
Buster (with hypnotic colors in his eyes): "Oh, yeah. That explains it."
(Buster reaches towards the screen. The camera cuts to a view of the special report background. Buster pulls the projector screen closed, causing it to roll up. The Q-tip Man then rolls up next to it for some unexplained reason. The background rolls up as a transition to the next scene, where Buster is on the beach, dressed in a swimsuit and holding an orange and yellow surfboard in his left arm)
Buster: "Uh, it is time to party!"
(Buster runs off, carrying his surfboard. The camera cuts to a view of his backside as he runs down the beach and jumps into the water. It then cuts to an overhead view of him swimming across the water, with his body on the surfboard, followed by an opposing view as the water waves up and down. Buster is now sitting on his surfboard, playing a ukulele)
Buster: "Ahhh, this is the life."
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view as what appears to be a shark approaches Buster, with its fin sticking out. It then cuts to a view of various people on the beach. In a short distance, Arnold, who is now dressed as a lifeguard, is looking through a magazine. The camera zooms in on him, then cuts to a zoomed-in view of him. The magazine is revealed to be that of Tiny Toons, with a picture of Buster's face on the front cover. Arnold looks over the magazine, then the camera focuses on him as he drops his magazine and stares in shock)
Arnold: "Aaaah!" (As he blows his whistle, then points with his right arm) "Das shark! Das boot! Das kaputz!"
(Arnold falls over. The screen transitions to the next scene, which takes place on the beach. Babs can be seen in her normal attire, behind two anthropomorphic dog-like creatures; a light brown female one with dark brown hair, and a grey male one with red sunglasses and a white sailor hat)
Babs: "BUSTER!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Babs)
Babs (to the viewers): "This is my big, dramatic moment. N-O-O-O-O-O-O!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster on his surfboard, playing his ukulele, unaware of the danger ahead)
Buster: "Wakka-lakka-makka-pokko-hokko-tooka-lac, Pooka-pooka-icky-chicky-clicky-mickey-mac,"
(The shark fin approaches Buster from behind his surfboard)
Buster: "Uh, did somebody call me?" (As he looks behind and stares in shock) "Aaaah!"
(Elmyra emerges from the water, revealing she is wearing a shark fin on her head. Buster faints onto his surfboard)
Elmyra: "There you are, hippety-hop! You wanna play Treasure Island with me, huh?"
(When Buster gets back up, he stares in shock again, gets under his surfboard, grabs it, and prepares to run away)
Buster: "Aaaah!"
(Buster runs away from Elmyra, splashing her in the face from the waves he created. The camera cuts to a view of him surfing on the tidal wave, then to a view of him surfing in the middle of the wave)
Buster: "Cowabunga, bunny!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view of Buster riding the waves, focusing on him the entire time. It then cuts to a view of the beach as he lands on it, underneath a coconut tree)
Buster: "Heh heh heh! Maybe my luck is finally changing."
(A coconut falls on Buster's head, causing him to fall over. The screen transitions to the next scene, where it is nighttime at the volcano. The camera zooms in on the party that is being held there, then cuts to a view of some coconut drinks. Shirley grabs one of them, and the camera cuts to a zoomed-out view as she serves it to a female poodle-like creature in a red dress and bandana, who is sitting next to a woodchuck-like creature in a yellow lei and a light blue shirt with pink flowers. The camera then moves to the right side of the screen, where many people are watching Fifi, who is dressed in a lei and grass skirt, hula dance. It then cuts to a zoomed-out view, focusing on Plucky as he walks across the party)
Plucky: "Only Warner Bros. would throw a luau inside a volcano."
(The camera cuts to a view of Plucky as he approaches a bright light. He sniffs as steam begins to hiss below him)
Plucky (as he licks his beak): "Mmm mmm! Something smells delicious!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view, revealing Plucky is standing on a bed of hot coals. It focuses on him as he jumps into the air)
Plucky: "Yeow!"
(The camera cuts to a view of the treetops as Plucky jumps out of them. It then cuts to a view of Foghorn Leghorn, who is leading a luau with Fowlmouth and two other Roosters. All four Roosters are wearing identical pink shirts with red flowers and purple leis. The camera zooms out on them as Plucky lands near them
Plucky (to the tune of Farewell to Thee): "Ow ow ow ow, ow ow ow ow, ow ow, ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Plucky, who is wearing a leaf skirt, and whose feet are now burning red as he stomps them)
Plucky (to the tune of Farewell to Thee): "Ow ow ow ow, ow ow ow ow,"
(The camera cuts to a view of Fowlmouth and the Roosters, moving to the right side of the screen, until it reaches Foghorn)
Plucky (heard offscreen to the tune of Farewell to Thee): "Ow ow, ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!"
Foghorn: "I say, the duck is onto something!"
(The camera cuts back to Plucky, who is still stomping his feet)
Plucky, Foghorn, Fowlmouth, and Roosters (to the tune of Farewell to Thee): "Ow ow ow ow, ow ow ow ow,"
(The camera cuts to a view of Foghorn, Fowlmouth, and the Roosters as they all imitate Plucky)
Plucky, Foghorn, Fowlmouth, and Roosters (to the tune of Farewell to Thee): "Ow ow, ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!"
(The camera cuts to a view of several Hawaiian girls, who are all wearing leis, and are carrying a roasted Hamton with a green apple in his mouth. It then cuts to a view of Hamton as he spits the apple out, and is not pleased with the part he got in this episode)
Hamton: "Ptooey! Expect a call from my agent!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster and Babs at their table)
Babs: "Isn't this lovely, Buster?"
Buster: "Oh yeah, I'm in hog heaven!"
(Shirley approaches them, dressed in a blue dress and a purple flower in her hair. She is carrying a tray with two coconut drinks on it. She floats upwards, and camera cuts to a zoomed-in view as she places the drinks on the table.)
Shirley: "Like, try our wicky-wacky punch! It's served in the shell of a once-living coconut that is now dead, you murderers!"
(Shirley floats past Buster and Babs. The camera cuts to an opposing view of Buster. He pulls on the umbrella of his drink, revealing it is the umbrella on Gogo's head, and that Gogo is inside his drink, looking at himself in a mirror. Upon seeing this, Buster pushes Gogo back into the coconut. The camera cuts to an opposing zoomed-out view as he jumps out of his chair and kicks the coconut. It then cuts to a view of the volcano as the coconut lands in the volcano, causing it to erupt. The camera cuts to a view of Buster and Babs as the force of the eruption launches them off the island, followed by a zoomed-out view as they land in the water. The screen transitions to the next scene, where the sun rises as Buster and Babs are floating on a raft. The camera zooms in on them, then cuts to a zoomed-in view of them)
Buster: "Here we are, Babs, you and me, just lost at sea."
(The camera cuts to a further zoomed-in view) Buster: "But deep inside me, I believe we'll be all right."
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view. Buster looks to the left side of the screen, then points with his right hand)
Buster: "Hey, look! Land!"
(The camera cuts to a view of land in the distance. Above it is the show's iconic rainbow logo with the flashing words, WELCOME HOME in it)
Babs: "That's not just land, it's Acme Acres!"
(The camera cuts to a view of Buster and Babs as they hug each other)
Buster: "Home at last!"
(The camera zooms in on Buster and Babs, who are just about to kiss, when they are suddenly interrupted)
Director: "A-a-and... cut!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view, revealing Buster and Babs to be standing on a bench in front of the background of the pale sky, which two stagehands carry away)
Babs (as she and Buster walk off the bench): "Is that a wrap, boss?"
(The camera cuts to an opposing view)
Director: "It's a masterpiece; the best adventure yet! I'm brilliant!"
(An anvil falls on the Director, flattening him and making a hole in the floor. The camera cuts to a view of the Burbank Freeway as a vehicle travels across it at a high speed, leaving a cloud of dust. It then moves to the right side of the screen, where Buster and Babs are reading the newspaper at the Acme studio. The camera moves briefly to the left side of the screen as the speeding vehicle approaches, then focuses on it as it speeds past Buster and Babs, causing them to spin and leaving a cloud of dust. When the dust clears, Steven, Renee, Sarah, and Amy are in a studio tour coach)
Steven: "You guys were great! What a wonderful show! Thanks!"
(The camera cuts to an overhead view of Buster and Babs)
Buster: "Oh-ho-ho, thank you, Mr. Spielberg. I mean, really..."
(The camera cuts to an opposing view as Steven is holding a new script)
Steven: "By the way, the girls wrote another script;"
(The camera cuts to an opposing view of Buster and Babs. It zooms in on them as Steven hands Buster the new script, which he looks at nervously)
Steven (heard offscreen): "Buster and Babs Go to Mars, in a rocket ship!"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-out view)
Steven: "We begin shooting on Monday, bye!"
(Steven drives away, leaving a cloud of dust, before Buster can convince him or the girls to change their minds. A piece of paper with poorly-drawn sketches of Buster and Babs dressed as astronauts fills the screen)
Buster (as the words, A Rocket Ship?? appear above him): "A rocket ship?" (The next piece of paper shows the poorly drawn sketches of Buster and Babs standing next to a rocket ship)
Buster (as the words, What did I do to deserve this? appear above him and Babs): "What did I do to deserve this?"
(The page turns. On the next page, the poorly-drawn sketch of Buster has a cross expression on his face as the poorly-drawn sketch of Babs points to him with her right arm)
Babs (as the words, you're Being Negative again appear onscreen): "You're being negative again."
(The page turns. On the next page, the poorly-drawn sketches of Buster and Babs are on the right side of the screen as a poorly-drawn sketch of Bugs appears on the left side)
Bugs (as the word, Eh...." appears next to him): "Eh..."
(The screen transitions to the animation becoming normal as Bugs points to Buster with his left arm. Buster's space suit is red and Babs' is purple)
Bugs: "Got a minute, Doc?"
(The camera cuts to a zoomed-in view of Bugs and Buster as the former shows the latter a piece of paper that says, BILL, and various costs below it and the latter stares in shock)
Bugs: "About this credit card bill..."
(The camera cuts to an opposing view as Buster does the "Clampett Corneal Catastrophe" wild take. Thankfully, he doesn't get stuck in it like Plucky did in the Inside Plucky Duck episode segment, Wild Takes Class. Babs grabs Buster by his left arm, and the camera cuts to a zoomed-out view of them and Bugs as they run away. It then cuts to a view of the rocket ship in the distance as Babs drags Buster towards it)
Babs: "Next stop, Mars!"
(Babs jumps into the rocket, dragging Buster along. The rocket starts up, and the camera cuts to a zoomed-out view, focusing on it as it takes off. Buster and Babs appear, looking out its window)
Buster: "I hate flying, I hate flying, I hate flying."
(The rocket heads to Mars, complete with a flashing sign that says, MARS on it, which the screen irises out on. The credits roll, with a gag credit informing the viewers that the show's staff will not be making any more episodes based on scripts they may have sent them)