Title card for Fleche de Lard
Sir Hamton the Prudent rescues Lady May
Buster interrupted Hamton and Lady May's love scene
"You guys the pizza people?"
Ralph the guard and Robin Williams as Peter Pan
Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook
Muffin takes away the left leg bone
Roger and Jessica's cameos
Buster and Babs can't get into Steven's office
The people waiting outside Steven's office
Stephen in a rather intense video game match
Steven gives Buster and Babs a script called, "Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian"
Hamton goes to Steven's office to protest
"Hello, Renee? I wanna talk about a rewrite."
Buster presents his contract to Renee, Sarah, and Amy
Renee Carter, Sarah Creef, and Amy Crosby with their writers' credit.
"I'm sorry. Each passenger is only allowed two pieces of carry-on luggage. You'll have to check the others!"
The live-action "First Class" section
"You're not supposed to be here!"
"Attention, peasants! For lunch, we're pleased to offer you lobster or filét mingion!
"Ha! Just kidding! That's what I'm eating!
"What'll it be, grey lumps in brown sauce or brown lumps in grey sauce?"
"Let me guess, you guys ate the carrot chips, too?"
Shirley and Fifi greet Buster and Babs at Hawaii
"Your money is stolen, your luggage is eaten, and you're a million miles away from anyone you know. What will you do? What will you do?"
"Come back! I have so much love to give and so many cars to rent!"
Babs wonders where Buster got the Acme Express card
Bugs is shocked when he finds out Buster borrowed his Acme Express card without his permission
"I hate flying! I hate flying! I hate flying!"
"We interrupt this very special episode of Tiny Toons to bring you a more special report."
A special report on Q-tips
"There you are, Hippety-hop. Wanna play Treasure Island with me, huh?"
"Ow ow ow ow, Ow ow ow ow!"
"Ow ow ow ow, Ow ow ow ow!"
"Ptooey! Expect a call from my agent!"
Shirley serves Buster and Babs a Hawaiian dinner
Buster and Babs are about to kiss each other
"You guys were great! What a wonderful show! Thanks!"
"About this credit card bill..."
Gag Credit: Please mail your unsolicited manuscripts along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to - Some other show!